Fundraising made Easy.

Frustrated with traditional fundraising? Make raising money easy with FundSmash.

* 50% of all ticket sales go to your Organization.

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Bring your fundraising to the
modern age.

With a simple 2-step process that takes about 3 minutes. Your organization can kickoff a fundraiser with no order forms, no door to door selling and no frustrating product delivery days. Your group simply sends a text and watch the funds roll in.

I'm Ready!

Create Campaigns specifically for your organization

Because fundsmash is so easy to use, most fundsmash partners do several campaigns each to maximize their fundraising dollars. After you launch your first campaign, each subsequent campaign takes about 30 seconds to launch.

Let's Go!

Smash the competition with your
Personalized Online Store.

On average, a fundsmash campaign raises about $420 per participant. That’s as much as 8 times your traditional “order form” fundraiser.

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Get Started with FundSmash Today!

What are you waiting for? It's free!